Monday, August 31, 2015

"Tell me what you want from me. . ." -On Republic

     Of course, I kind of love this song. Every time I hear it, this line is the line that stands out the most. Perhaps because I found myself believing that I do plenty on my own for the satisfaction of other people, yet, when they don't appreciate it (or I don't notice their appreciation), I find myself planting blame on them for their displeasure - which is totally out of whack! I assume some people want things rather than asking them what they want. Pure ignorance, I tell you.
     This line points out my frustration for my own mistakes that I cover up by dubbing other people as indecisive and ungrateful. What a strange realization. I like this "quick write". Found out plenty about myself in a quarter of a page. 
     "I need another story. . ." Now that's a good line, too!

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